Monthly Archives: November 2014

The Symbiosis Curse


Sumedh Natu

I dread telling people in Pune I’m a Symbiosis student. It takes a huge amount of courage. One needs to take a deep breath and say it as casually as possible and wait for the interviewer to roll his eyes and slowly contort his face in disgust like a jumbled Rubiks cube. In nine cases out of ten, he will proceed to put you in the category one associates with Mexican drug peddlers. In the tenth case, the candidate will turn out to be a fellow Symbian, who will make a mental note to bitch about the worthlessness of your particular institute at some point later in his life.

I would love to tackle some FAQs at this stage. Firstly, we aren’t all rich, spoilt brats. Just because we happen to wear a uniform involving the amalgamation of a shirt and trousers and speak the English language with above average…

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Interstellar Movie Explained!!

Confusion!! Confusion!! Confusion!!

So we need to think!! “Did we pay less attention in Physics during our college days??”..

No!! Let’s not take it this way, So do we curse “Christopher Nolan” to waste money and time (I mean I liked the movie other than some confusion in the end).

Let’s leave that all this behind and try to understand what was the movie about(Obviously as we spent our time and money).

Note: People who are planning to watch this movie and don’t want spoilers “Don’t Read/watch this”

Here is what I understood from climax:

Matthew McConaughey, sacrifices himself so that Anne Hathaway could use the sparse resources herself and execute Plan B (human colonies in the habitable planet) soon after which Cooper (Matthew McConaughey) is sucked inside the horizon and he finds himself in a bookshelf in which he believes that rather than being a naturally occurring phenomenon, the structure he finds himself in was built by “them.”
Cooper is in a world where time is visualized as a fourth dimension. Similar to how we walk through the three dimensions, Cooper inside the tesseract is able to glide through the 4th dimension, which is time. Since there is no established communication links between earth and Cooper, he is using gravity (e.g., dust sprinkles aligning themselves in certain pattern) Cooper is sending out the quantum data (which is available inside the black hole) to finish off the equations (carried out by Murph after the death of Michael Caine) so that, current generation humans would know how to manipulate time as the fourth dimension, which would allow them to transcend time and space allowing them to leave earth and reach a habitable planet, Cooper uses TARS to translate the message in morse code and sends message to the watch he gave Murph (when he leaves Earth) by ticking its longer hand. Using the data Murph finishes off the equation, thereby saving humans from extinction.

Who are “them”?

Them, are the future humans who created the tesseract in specific black hole, so that cooper could communicate with his daughter to transfer the quantum data.

And once the job is done, the tesseract self-destructs. With the available knowledge on time manipulation, humans rescue cooper (remember he is in the proximity of the black hole where the gravity is exponentially greater than earth, which means seconds for him would be years together in Earth). That is why, when he returns back he finds his daughter to be very aged.

Coming to Anne Hathaway:

There is no way to return to earth since the Endurance is damaged beyond extent, using the available gravitational force Anne Hathaway is slingshot to the planet where the third beacon arrived from (sent from previously left astronauts indicating presence of life) to execute plan B, so that human colonies would be brought up there, thereby saving our race from extinction.

At the end of the movie, Matthew McConaughey meets his daughter during which she tells him that he need not worry about his old daughter anymore and asks him to go find Anne Hathaway following which Matthew McConaughey leaves with a space ship to find her.

After all the ghost is not a ghost as assumed by Murph, it’s her father sending messages from future.

P.S. I have written this based on my understanding of the movie and very little knowledge about Astrophysics, if there is any mistake please correct me.

Here are some links which will clear the confusion that caused in the end.

Video(Who has the time to read..):

Something to read(I know we hate it, but let’s make some effort)

Timeline of Interstellar Explained(This is interesting):

Still didn’t understand?? Google “Interstellar Explained ”. 


Sajeel Irkal